Names of the graduates who occupied positions at the University of Basrah
The position of Secretary-General of the University of Basrah in1969, the dean of the College of Science at the University of Basrah in 1971, and dean of the College of Engineering at University of Basrah in 1971, then transferred to the College of Science at the University of Baghdad in 1973, and a professor in 1979, the first elected president of the University of Baghdad in 2003, an undersecretary of the Minister of Education in 2004, and the Minister of Education during 2004-2005 and Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research during 2005-2006 Prof. Dr. Sami Al Muzaffar 1
Minister of Higher Education, First Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi Council of Representatives (2010-2014), a former deputy in the Iraqi parliament in its first session and in the National Assembly, PhD in geology with a specialization in hydrogeology and professor in his specialization at the University of Basrah Prof. Dr. Qusay Al-Suhail 2
The current Minister of Immigration Evan Faeq Yaqoub 3
Governor of Basra since August 27, 2017 Asaad Abdul Amir Al-Eidani 4
Oil Minister Ehsan Abdul-Jabbar 5
Position of President of the University of Kufa 2006-2011, Adviser to the Minister of Higher Education 2015, Minister of Higher Education 2016, Minister of Finance 2016 Abdul Razzaq Abdul Jalil Al-Issa 6
Guidance Manager Mr. Youssef Abdel Hassan Munshid 7
Basra silo manager Mr. Sameer Khalaf 8
Sports City official in Basra Mr. Latif Abboud 9
Former Assistant to the President of the University for Scientific Affairs Prof. Dr. Abdul Mahdi Saleh Hussein 10
Currently Assistant to the President of the University for Administrative Affairs Prof. Dr. Ali Himdhi Diab 11
Currently Dean of the College of Agriculture, Maysan University Prof. Dr. Bashar Jabbar Juma 12
Former Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs, University of Basrah, College of Agriculture Prof. Dr. Abdul-Zahra Taha Zahir 13
Former Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs, University of Basrah, College of Agriculture Prof. Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Abdul Karim 14
Currently Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs, University of Basrah, College of Agriculture Prof. Dr. Muhammad Malik Yassin 15
Former Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs, University of Basrah, College of Agriculture Prof. Dr. Mohsen Abdel Hai Dasher 16
Advisor to the Governor of Najaf for Agricultural Affairs Prof. Dr. Amir Khalil Yasser 17
Professor at the University of Washington, College of Geology, Department of Geology , USA Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Taleb Jabbar 18
Former Dean of the College of Agriculture / University of Basrah Prof. Dr. Nizar Ahmed Shoukry 19
Former Dean of the College of Agriculture / University of Basrah Prof. Dr. Ghiath Hameed Majeed 20
Former Dean of the College of Agriculture / University of Basrah Prof. Dr. Nofal Abdel Amir Hassan 21
Former Dean of the College of Agriculture / University of Basrah Prof. Dr. Alaa Mohamed Baqer 22