About the University

An Overview of the University of Basra

The University of Basra is one of the largest and oldest universities in Iraq. It is located in the city of Basra, the center of Basra Governorate in southern Iraq.

The university includes numerous colleges with various specialties in medicine, engineering, scientific, and literary fields.

The University of Basra was founded on April 1st, 1964.

Studies began in five colleges (Science, Engineering, Economics, Law, and Arts) in the first academic year of 1964-1965, with 816 students enrolled. Over the years, the university has developed significantly and has become a center for scientific research in Iraq.

The university currently has 21 colleges containing 83 scientific departments, manages 11 consultancy offices and 16 scientific centers, and publishes 16 scientific journals and periodicals. The number of faculty members for the current academic year reached 2527 (masters and doctoral).

The university awards bachelor's, higher diploma, master's, and doctoral degrees in various sciences and disciplines.

Vision, Mission, and Objectives

University Vision

The University of Basra aspires to be one of the best Iraqi, Arab, and global universities, renowned for authenticity, excellence, and distinction in higher education, scientific research, and community service, aiming to achieve comprehensive and sustainable human development in the region.

University Mission

The University of Basra aims to be the optimal means to absorb modern global knowledge and teaching methodologies using the latest technologies and cognitive tools. It is one of the most important institutions for the desired renaissance and making it an effective driver of knowledge-based development and economy in the Arab world and beyond. The university works to demonstrate its cultural, scientific, and technological facets through innovations and diligent work. Additionally, the University of Basra hopes that its mission embodies scientifically its mission of empowering young generations to innovate and develop by arming them with knowledge and fostering creative ideas for educators, leading to genuine innovations, as well as building bridges of cooperation and dialogue among Iraqi, Arab, and international universities.

University Objectives

The University of Basra, established in accordance with the law of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research since its establishment in 1964 for the first time, initially affiliated with the University of Baghdad and became independent in all its affairs in 1967 according to Law No. (8) of 1967 (University of Basra Law). The university seeks to empower the young generations in our beloved Iraq to possess knowledge and employ it to the best of their ability to confront the challenges of development and innovations in order to sustainably keep pace with reality and deal with the challenges facing advanced societies.