Master's thesis at University of Basrah examines the therapeutic effect of hydrosmin against bleomycin-induced lung toxicity.
A master's thesis at College of Pharmacy at University of Basrah examined the therapeutic effects of hydrosmin and/or vitamin C against bleomycin-induced lung toxicity.
The thesis presented by the student Mohammed Jabbar Makki aimed to evaluate the mechanisms of bleomycin-induced lung toxicity by measuring different factors such as TNF, TGF, GSH, and TAS as well as evaluating the therapeutic effects of hydrosmin alone or in combination with vitamin C against lung damage.
The study included testing the therapeutic effect of oral hydrosmin treatment (with or without) vitamin C against toxic doses of bleomycin.
The study concluded that the therapeutic effect of hydrosmin against bleomycin-induced lung toxicity was proven.
Government Media and Communication Department