Basrah University President Inaugurates the Ninth International Scientific Conference on Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Muhannad Jawad Kazim, the President of Basrah University, inaugurated the Ninth International Scientific Conference of the College of Veterinary Medicine under the slogan "Veterinary Medicine: A Safeguard for Food Safety and Economic Development." Researchers from Iraq and Arab countries, along with significant academic and official presence, attended the conference.
The conference aimed to develop the veterinary medicine sector as a pillar of the Iraqi economy, enhance the role of scientific research in community development, and identify methods to maintain food health and safety.
The conference featured presentations on various research topics covering fundamental sciences, and clinical veterinary sciences, and focused on food safety and animal nutrition.
Dr. Muhannad Jawad Kazim all-Asadi, the President of the University, noted that this conference serves as a platform for researchers from all Iraqi and Arab universities to present their ideas and exchange future scientific visions concerning livestock and food safety.
Al-Asadi added that ensuring safe food for citizens supports and enhances public health in the community. Therefore, we face challenges at both the national and local levels to preserve natural resources, and we will work diligently to drive development and support the economy across various fields.
The College Dean, Dr. Jalal Yaseen Mustafa, mentioned that the conference will discuss 75 scientific papers across several themes, with participation from researchers from Iraqi universities and countries such as Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Syria.
Dr. Jalal added that an exhibition for pharmaceutical companies, medical devices, and veterinary supplies was also inaugurated on the sidelines of the international conference.
Department of Media and Government Communication