date of publication : 2020-01-14 07:20:22
عدد المشاهدات : 446
Dr. Ali Basil Mahmoud, a researcher from the faculty of Agriculture at Basrah University, published scientific research on the impact of climate changes and the ecosystem on the proliferation of jellyfish in Shatt Al-Basrah channel in Marine Science journal issued by Diponegoro University in Indonesia.
The magazine is concerned with publishing research and studies related to seas, oceans, and beaches around the world, and it is an internationally refereed journal subject to international standards of specialized international journals.
The research aims to explain the phenomenon of growth and excessive proliferation of jellyfish in Shatt Al-Arab canal region, west of Basrah, and to demonstrate its relationship with global climate changes for the period between October of 2018 to March of 2019.
The research included a field study for a type of jellyfish called (Catostylus Perezi) diffuse in the canal and a scientific analysis of data for measuring dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity, dissolved solids, pH, water column temperature and the quality of phytoplankton.
The results of the research indicated a close relationship with the increase in jellyfish in Shatt Al-Arab Canal with water salinity, stratification of surface temperature, and an increase in nitrous and phosphate concentrations and an abundance of plankton in the absence of these cases, lead to a lack in proliferation.